Ready to Crawl? Here are the Details!
*In-store you MUST BE PRESENT for your passport to be stamped. You will not be able to have your passport stamped unless your photo is in the front or you provide photo ID that matches your name in ink in the front of your passport. (This applies to everyone and school IDs work for minors. Parents may vouch for children without IDs. Your name, phone number, and email are never collected without your permission and parents may use their phone number and email in a child's passport.) **Any purchases during the Slow Crawl dates from participating shops by crawlers count as a "virtual visit” on the Slow Yarn Crawl couch crawl. *** Each shop has different hours. Be sure to check shop hours BEFORE making plans. You might need to call or email a shop to make an appointment before setting out for a visit. Special closure dates are listed on the website. **** We believe in protecting your privacy and will not list those who finish the crawl. You may reveal as much or little of your journey as you would decide. |
BONUS RegionWhat's a Bonus Region? These shops may not have regular hours or a physical shop for customers to visit, but they are still your "local shop" online. In order to include them, we created a special Bonus Region. Order online from all of these shops and be entered in a special Bonus Region Drawing. Bonus Region shop stamps are not required to complete the rest of the crawl.
Experience Challenge!A list of Experiences is in your passport. Take a photo while completing an experience and post it to FaceBook or Instagram with #2024SYCExperience. Every completed experience challenge will earn you one entry into a special drawing from Slow Crawl Headquarters. Tina will draw at least 10 winners throughout the summer and maybe more!
Free Patterns!Each shop will have a shop exclusive pattern available. Show your passport or make a virtual purchase at each shop you visit to receive your free pattern(s). You must show your passport in person to receive your patterns in the shops.
For those crawling online, you must make a purchase and indicate you have a passport in order to receive your free patterns at each shop. Individual patterns may be purchased on the Slow Crawl website or Ravelry through the end of the crawl and will then revert to the shop or designer. |